Profile Of Ahmad Fahrizal Aziz

Ahmad Fahrizal Aziz was born in Blitar, May 10, 1992. He is the founder of Insight Blitar and is active in several communities, especially those related to literacy.

Finishing his education from kindergarten to high school in Blitar, he then continued his higher education to Malang.

He has been active since organizing since high school / Aliyah, has been the chairman of extracurricular journalism and one of the founders of Forum Lingkar Pena Blitar, Komunitas Muara Baca and Paguyuban Srengungan.

In addition to literacy, she also has an interest in children and women's issues, her background as a primary school teacher also makes her active and Koordinator Komunitas Laki-laki Peduli Perempuan dan Anak (KLP2A) Group, and a facilitator in the Creating Space program run by The Jakarta women's Health Foundation and Oxfam Indonesia.

In 2020, he joined the Gerakan Pemasyarakatan Minat Baca (GPMB) of Blitar Regency as secretary, GPMB is a forum that brings together literacy activists in Blitar who are directly under the Blitar Regency Library and Archives Office (Dispusip).

As a literacy activist, he has also been invited to be a resource person representing book readers in the Bung Karno Library active reader Community Forum.

He argues that the literacy movement must go through 3 important stages, namely the procurement of reading materials (both printed and digital), building a reading culture and the next is writing.

In the literacy movement in Blitar raya he prefers to turn on the authorship because according to him, when someone writes, automatically he is also a reader.

Through Lingkar Pena Forum, Muara Baca community and Srengunan Paguyuban, he held many writing trainings, writing campaigns to schools, various discussions and seminars as well as art performances.


Although his figure is attached in the field of literacy, but he also has a hobby of gendola cultivation, he founded Rumah Gendola Blitar, a house in the Kademangan area around which gendola plants grow.

Gendola or people mention Binahong Merah has great benefits for the body, in addition to water decoction can be used as medicine, the leaves can be cooked and tastes good, the fruit can be for natural dyes.

In the House of Gendola Blitar anyone is free to take the leaves or fruit to be used for free, even if by chance there are seeds and want to be planted can also take it. It's all free.

In the House of Gendola Blitar he also planted telang flowers that anyone can also pick. Gendola Blitar house occupies a land that is not too large, even just using the rest of the land around it for cultivation.


Another area that she has worked on is women's and children's issues. Since 2019, she has been active in the movement for the Prevention of child marriage. He became a facilitator in training at the village and sub-district levels.

He is also a cadre of Muhammadiyah organization, the largest modern Islamic organization in Indonesia. He was active in Muhammadiyah Blitar Regency and became chairman of the cadre Education Council.

At the youth level he is also one of the vice chairman of the regional leadership of Muhammadiyah youth of Blitar Regency.

Some of his work can be traced in mass media, both print and digital. His writing has been spread to many online media, some of his interview recordings are also spread on YouTube and Facebook.

He can be contacted via his personal blog at

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